Pixel Mories

554 NFTS
0.003 ETH per Mories
Max 10 per wallet.

Pixel Mories is a collection of 554 NFT’s that are generated in 64-bit themed pixel art. Within the collection all Mories are unique however there are some legendries, rare and more surprises. Each NFT is a PFP and a full Digital Pixel Mories Character which are fully stored on blockchain. (Not affiliated with any project)


faq !

What are Pixel Mories?

Pixel Mories is a collection of 554 NFT’s that are generated in 64-bit themed pixel art with no colored backgrounds and minted as NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Pixel Mories have come in different types, some rarer than others, and... there are rumors that you could find Alien Mories species. Is it true? 🤔

What do I get?

You get different a unique 64 bit Mories that make a cool PFP and CCO.

Each Pixel Mories comes with rights to create and distribute derivatives.

Holders automatically get whitelist for a free mint of our next limited drop Baby Pixel Mories, more info will be shared soon.

Does Pixel Mories have a discord or twitter ?

At the current time we do not have a discord channel nor do we have a twitter page however we plan on having a discord channel private for holders & link will be shared on our site & opensea page after launch.

Pixel Mories

By owning a Pixel Mories you'll have a voice in the community and help guide the direction of the project and development of the story.. the more you own the higher your rank and clearness within our community. Working together we can continue the grow the Pixel Mories ecosystem!

What’s  an NFT?

NFT stands for "Non-fungible token," which means that it's a unique, digital item with blockchain-managed ownership that users can buy, own, and trade. Some NFT's fundamental function is to be digital art. But they can also offer additional benefits like exclusive access to websites, event tickets, game items, and ownership records for physical objects. Think of it as a unique piece of art that can also work as a "members-only" card. Pixel Mories works like this.

How do I NFT?

New to NFTs? No worries, here are some steps on what you need to do to get your Pixel Mories.

  1. Download the metamask.io extension for the Chrome/Brave browser or app on mobile. This will allow you to make purchases with Ethereum and can be found in the extensions tab. If you are on mobile, you must use the Metamask App Browser
  2. You can purchase Ethereum through from an exchange like Coinbase
  3. Mint directly from our contract through etherscan, simply click on our contract link toggle to write contract, click on connect wallet, choose the option most suitable for you either through meta mask or wallet connect, go down to mint button, input the number of nfts you want to mint and the total cost (0.003 ETH each) then click mint.
  4. Once you have made your purchase, your Pixel Mories NFT will be viewable in your wallet and on OpenSea.

Pixelate a mories now

Pixel Mories is a collection of 554 NFT’s that are generated in 64-bit themed pixel art. Within the collection all Mories are unique however there are some legendries, rare and more surprises. Each NFT is a PFP and a full Digital Pixel Mories Character which are fully stored on blockchain.